Carl Dedecker
Senior Surveyor / General Manager Belgium
Carl joined Van Ameyde Marine in 2003 as a Marine Surveyor. As from November 2014 Carl is General Manager for the Belgium branches. He acquired his license as an Officer and Specialist Marine Electronics and has 10 years of sea-going experience on different types of vessels and finally on a jack-up drilling rig where he made his way up to Barge Engineer.
Working in the oil industry he received extensive safety training, such as e.g. Advanced Fire Fighting and Prevention, Fire Team Leader, and the shipment of IMDG cargo by air and sea. He then worked for 4 years for a software company which was world leader in software for container terminals, where he gained experience in the automation of large container terminals world-wide.
During the years with Van Ameyde Marine, Carl followed various courses such as IMDG regulations, Cambridge reefer course, and cargo securing for road transport, and seminars on exceptional large and heavy transports. Furthermore, he gave several presentations and courses on the stowage of coils in containers. He was also involved as a surveyor in several major railroad (freight) accidents in Belgium.