Sanjay Varma
Shipping Director
CV summary
Sanjay is a Master Mariner with an MSc in Maritime Studies, based in Singapore. He has 17 years’ sea service sailing in various ranks up to Master, on variety of ships including VLCCs, OBOs and multi-purpose vessels.
Specialising in wet and dry cargo related claims, liquefaction issues, container damage, ship-to-ship transfer and wide range of marine casualties including collisions, groundings submarine cable damage. Wide experience in Marine Warranty Surveys with particular focus on towing, loadouts and sailaways of offshore cargoes.
He is an accredited OVID inspector since 2010 and has also carried out several condition surveys. Sanjay has acted on behalf of Admiralty lawyers and prepared expert reports on matters of unsafe port/berth, cargo contamination, over pressurizing of cargo tanks and has been appointed as expert witness for Arbitration/Court proceedings in Malaysia and Singapore.
He was Assistant Director in the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore where he was involved in ship accident investigations, port operations and lecturer. He represented Singapore at IMO’s SubCommittee meetings and is familiar with the Merchant Shipping Act, MPA Act and Prevention of Pollution of Sea Act of Singapore.
Spoken languages - English, Hindi
Experience since - 2008
Degree - MSc Maritime Studies
Discipline - (Master) Mariner
Sectors - Consultancy
Area(s) of expertise:
Casualty (nautical) investigations, Dry bulk (Agri/Minerals), Liquid bulk (Petro chemicals/Oil/Vegetable oil and liquefied gas), Marine Warranty